Original Artwork by Kassidy Harris-Juncker
Artist, Kassidy Harris, is a Whitefish High School Alum, graduating in 1993. Coach Jenny Krasteva found her work while digging in the High School Library yearbooks. Her drawing style and unique line-quality captured her attention right away.
"When I saw the drawings, I immediately thought, ‘WHO DID THESE?’” said Coach Krasteva
“I fell in love with the style - they carried a raw, playfulness that I knew would be perfect to commemorate this 50th Anniversary season. The problem was, the drawings were signed only with the initials KH93. I had no idea who did them as they weren't credited. After many many emails and texts to Whitefish natives who may have a lead, I finally came up with a list of a few names that fit the initials. Kassidy Harris-Juncker was one of them. I found her on Facebook and excitedly sent her a message. She didn't respond. I then reached out to some of her former classmates and ultimately got a phone number. I cold-called her and she was SO LOVELY. She laughed a bit when I asked if she would be willing to do an original piece for this - "I swear, I've gotten a lot better since High School,” she said. Tapping into her old style, she created the most incredible artwork by hand, recreating her original artistic sensibility of those drawings in the yearbook I couldn't have asked for a better collaboration."
A HUGE THANK YOU to Kassidy Harris for graciously donating her time and artistic skill to the cause.